Emmer & Oat

Client: Emmer & Oat

URL: www.emmerandoat.com

Website Focus: Ecommerce

Website Platform: Shopify

Services Provided: PPC, SEO

Business Type: Business to Consumer

Client Industry: Fashion, Shopping

Case Summary: This family-owned fashion label started out as a humble Etsy shop and has quickly grown into a successful online fashion store. Over the course of our campaign so far, we have increased organic traffic by 492%.

Read the challenge, our solution, and the result below

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After transitioning from an Etsy stop to their own site, Emmer & Oat came to Coalition looking for more customers, an increase in their conversion rate, and ultimately, more sales. We also took on their Facebook ads and Instagram ad ampaigns after they had run it themselves and wanted to see if we could improve on their ROI.

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Some of the work we have done includes link building, writing and implementing optimized copy, and redirecting 404 errors. We have also created an HTML sitemap, designed and implemented an email sign-up form, and fixed issues with the main navigation menu. For their Facebook and Instagram campaigns, we quickly realized that their campaign budget was being spent on “consideration” campaigns, and made the decision to focus our campaigns around dynamic ads.

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Year over year we increased organic traffic by 492% from 11k to 69k sessions and new organic users increased by 320%. Organic revenue increased by 100% for $167k in organic revenue. Overall sessions increased by 287% from 98k to 380k sessions and overall revenue increased by 100% resulting in $554k in overall revenue. 

After taking over their Instagram and Facebook campaigns, Instagram’s ROI went from 273% to 1,033%. For their Facebook campaigns, we achieved an ROI of 1,142%, with a spend of $1,268 we saw a revenue of $14,480.

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