Reputation Management

Coalition Technologies uses best practice search engine optimization techniques in Los Angeles and throughout the United States to help resolve issues with online reputation.

More and more individuals, and companies, are finding that their reputation online can have a direct impact on their bottom line. For smaller, direct to consumer businesses, these ‘reputation factors’ can be reviews on popular service rating sites like Yelp, City Search, Google,, and more. While the overall comments and ratings may skew positive, one negative review can achieve prominence quickly through a variety of means, and can dramatically impact the ability of a business to assure potential clients of their quality of service. Because the negative articles can also achieve more viral popularity, they tend to spread and be repeated faster than the positive reviews.

This is especially true for high profile individuals in positions of authority or with celebrity status. CEOs, executives, stockholders, political figures, and more all need reputation management firms to ensure that one slip up is not devaluing their companies, their causes, or their own net worth. Most celebrities can live off of the notoriety and even turn a buck doing it- just look at Lindsey Lohan, OJ Simpson, and Charlie Sheen. All have managed to be ‘winners’ for a period of time at least, by using the negative press to push themselves to the forefront of the American public. But when you are running a tech start up or an investment brokerage, or are trying for reelection, then its next to impossible to turn these bad items into good items.

Let Coalition Technologies help you on your reputation management. We can ensure that the good work you do, and the items you want publicized, show up prominently in Google search results. Not the other stuff that your competitors or detractors are trying to promote.

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