20MM Foundation

Client: 20MM Foundation

URL: 20mm.org

Website Focus: Lead Generation

Website Platform: WordPress

Services Provided: SEO

Business Type: Business to Business, Business to Consumer

Client Industry: Not For Profit

Case Summary: This foundation looks to invest in individuals and technology to make education more accessible and affordable. After 3 months with us, yearly organic traffic increased 44% and overall traffic increased 57%.

Read the challenge, our solution, and the result below

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Michelson 20MM came to us looking to increase search engine rankings, identify and implement appropriate keywords that can rank highly, and to make sure searches for the founder also appeared high in search results.

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To meet the goals for this educational foundation we wrote optimized copy, fixed the header on their mobile site, and created an HTML sitemap. We also began tracking keyword rankings to identify strong keywords as well as see their improvement over time.

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In comparison to last year, after 3 months of working with us, the site is receiving 44% more organic sessions as well as seeing a 50% increase in organic new users. Overall, there was a 57% increase in traffic to the site this month compared to last year. New users also saw an improvement, growing 56% this year.

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