Bob & Lush

Client: Bob & Lush


Website Focus: Ecommerce

Website Platform: Magento

Services Provided: PPC, SEO

Business Type: Business to Consumer

Client Industry: Pets & Animals

Case Summary: This UK dog food company was started to take care of two family dogs: Bob and Lush. These dog lovers created a new dog food that would be a better and healthier alternative. They wanted to make sure all dogs (and their owners) had access to their product.

Read the challenge, our solution, and the result below

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In order to get their healthy dog food formula to dogs and their owners, Bob and Lush looked to Coalition for help with SEO and PPC.

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Our expert SEO team optomized copy, built links through a variety of reputable sources, fixed all server errors, made the site user-friendly, and more. For the PPC campaign, banner ads were designed and launched, keywords were researched and selected based on on how successful they could perform, and ongoing adjustments are made to ensure the ads are being seen by the correct demographic.

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Although this is a newer client to us, we have already made great strides forward. In comparison to how the dog food site performed last year, organic sessions are up 200.74%. The number of new, organic users has increased 238.92% and organic transactions are up 17.80%.

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