
Client: Cabeau


Website Focus: Ecommerce

Website Platform: WordPress

Services Provided: PPC, SEO

Business Type: Business to Consumer

Client Industry: Hospitality & Travel

Case Summary: This neck pillow company was established in 2010 by a former professional basketball player. They made a name for themselves through their main product, the travel pillow, but wanted further global reach for their other travel accessories. After working with us for a year, Cabeau has seen a 69.77% increase in sessions with a 68.66% increase in revenue.

Read the challenge, our solution, and the result below

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Cabeau wanted to break into the travel accessories industry, so they hired the best in the SEO industry – Coalition. They signed on with us for our expert SEO and PPC services, and have seen some tremendous results.

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Since signing on with us in February of 2017, we have completed many tasks. Some of these include writing optimized copy, fixing page load speed issues, improving mobile usability, and regaining external link value. We have also run and managed multiple PPC campaigns and promotions during this time.

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Since starting with us a year ago, Cabeau has seen some outstanding growth. Their sessions have increased by 69.77% since last year, and their revenue is up 68.66% in that same time period. From their PPC Campaign just this past month they saw an ROI of 382.55%.

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