CBS Altitude Group

Client: CBS Altitude Group

Website Focus: Lead Generation

Website Platform: WordPress

Services Provided: PPC, SEO

Business Type: Business to Business

Client Industry: Arts & Entertainment, Marketing

Case Summary: This marketing agency focuses on local media advertising. They operate through media superpower CBS and work to help local businesses run productive campaigns. So, why come to us? They knew Coalition delivers great results and that we could get their site to generate even more leads.

Read the challenge, our solution, and the result below

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This media advertising company needed help to generate more leads, rank on their keywords, and get more exposure on social media. Read on to learn how our comprehensive approach to SEO can lead to results.

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We began with optomizing copy and link building to kick off our SEO efforts. We also wrote ads and initiated a PPC campaign based on the keyword research. Then comes our social media efforts. We created content on all platforms, developed partnerships within the industry, and managed all interactions with users.

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After three months, Facebook traffic increased 165.48% and sessions from Twitter increased 382.61%. Another win for this media group was that 8/10 of the top organic landing pages are blog posts. Organic traffic accounted for 51.55% of sessions and generated 25.00% of all leads.

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