CCTV Security Pros

Client: CCTV Security Pros


Website Focus: Ecommerce

Website Platform: BigCommerce

Services Provided: PPC, SEO

Business Type: Business to Business

Client Industry: Computers & Electronics

Case Summary: This HD surveillance company provides easy to install options to companies large and small in the USA. They came to Coalition wanting to boost their online presence through our top of the line SEO and PPC services. This CCTV company saw $1.7 million in revenue in just 4 months.

Read the challenge, our solution, and the result below

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When CCTV Security Pros joined us in September of 2017, they needed a company that would draw more organic users to their site and would develop PPC campaigns to target the customers they needed.

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Over the course of our partnership, we have made many on site improvments such as making navigation improvements, writing optimized copy, fixing URL structure isssues, and more. We have also developed PPC campaigns, ad groups, and ads using our extensive keyword research techniques. We continuously analyze data to determine what next steps to take to ensure the best result.

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Over the last 4 months with us, CCTV Security Pros has seen $1.7 million in revenueThe site is significantly outperforming last year, with a 75.68% increase in organic traffic and a 91.48% increase in organic new users. Overall, the site received 50.14% more sessions this year than last year.

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