
Client: Cosmakery


Website Focus: Ecommerce

Website Platform: Shopify

Services Provided: PPC, SEO

Business Type: Business to Consumer

Client Industry: Health & Beauty, Shopping

Case Summary: This Emmy winning female-run cosmetics company created a makeup line that is easy-to use and accessible to all. After 3 months with us, overall revenue has increased by 24%.

Read the challenge, our solution, and the result below

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Cosmakery came to us to develop more brand awareness and drive more traffic to their site with the ultimate goal of increasing revenue. They wanted to see better rankings for their keywords and to see new customers coming to their site.

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Some of our work so far has included writing optimized copy with focused keywords, searching for and gaining PR opportunities, and have begun running profitable Google Ads campaigns. We have also updated homepage banners, added star ratings to the product pages, and resolved 404 errors.

Result Icon


After just three months of beginning work, this cosmetics line saw a 17% increase in traffic with overall revenue increasing by 24%. When we first started, Cosmakery only had 59 ranked keywords, and now they have 181.

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