
Client: dogIDs


Website Focus: Ecommerce

Services Provided: SEO

Business Type: Business to Consumer

Client Industry: Pets & Animals

Case Summary: This company sells top of the line dog collars and IDs. They also offer a lifetime guarantee for their products. Since starting with us 6 months ago, dogIDs has seen a 42% increase in monthly organic revenue and 24% increase in overall revenue.

Read the challenge, our solution, and the result below

Challenge Icon


After they had switched platforms, they saw their rankings fall – and their former SEO company could not help them. BigCommerce referred them to us. This client’s goals when they came to us were to drive more revenue through their website, as well as break into the international market.

Solution Icon


Some of the tasks we have completed for this client include setting up a staging site for testing purposes. We also helped the integration of a new product visualizer and solved multiple related checkout issues.

Result Icon


Six months after starting with us, the site is attracting 29% more monthly organic sessions with a 27% increase in organic new users. Overall, there was an 16% increase in traffic to the site this month and new users improved by 20%. Organic revenue has increased by 42% with organic transactions increasing by 46%. Overall revenue has increased by 24% since last month with overall transactions increasing by 29%.

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