Fruit Growers Supply

Client: Fruit Growers Supply


Website Focus: Lead Generation

Website Platform: WordPress

Services Provided: PPC, SEO

Business Type: Business to Business

Client Industry: Not For Profit

Case Summary: Founded by Sunkist to be a supplier of packaging materials, this agriculture supply company specializes in irrigation and corrugated packaging. While with us, they have seen a 159% increase in yearly organic traffic and a 174% increase in yearly organic new users.

Read the challenge, our solution, and the result below

Challenge Icon


When signing on with us, their immediate marketing goals included developing a consistent sales message and bringing in high-quality, reliable leads. They wanted to focus on open market sales instead of just Sunkist.

Solution Icon


Some of the tasks we have completed so far include writing optimized copy with a consistent sales message and obtaining PR opportunities on multiple websites. We have also fixed page load speed issues, fixed 404 errors, and added trust badges to the footer of the site.

Result Icon


After a year with us, in comparison to last year, the site is receiving 159% more organic sessions. There has also been a 174% increase in organic new users. Overall, there was a 62% increase in traffic to the site this month compared to last year with sessions increasing from 5,973 sessions to 9,678. New users also saw an improvement, growing 51%.

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