
Client: Giftya


Website Focus: Ecommerce

Website Platform: WordPress

Services Provided: SEO

Business Type: Business to Consumer

Client Industry: Gifts, Shopping

Case Summary: Founded by friends, this company aims to seamlessly operate as a “Venmo for gift cards”, eliminating the need for a physical card and the difficulties of fraud and expiration dates associated with them. In 6 months with us, overall revenue increased by 88% and organic revenue had increased by 66%.

Read the challenge, our solution, and the result below

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Giftya’s goals for working with us were to rank #1-4 on all major keywords, keep a high conversion rate on sales made, and to lower the cost of acquisition as much as possible.

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Some of the work we have done so far includes writing optimized copy, publishing multiple PR articles with backlinks, and ensuring their contact page was linked in the footer. We have also resolved XML sitemap errors and fixed links to missing pages.

Result Icon


After 6 months with us, this gifting app saw a 66% increase in organic revenue and an 88% increase in overall revenue.

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