LA Beauty Skin Center

Client: LA Beauty Skin Center


Website Focus: Lead Generation

Website Platform: WordPress

Services Provided: SEO

Business Type: Business to Consumer

Client Industry: Health & Beauty

Case Summary: This medical spa offers an array of treatments including laser hair removal, Botox, and other aesthetic procedures. Within three months of starting with us, LA Beauty Skin Center saw a 90.91% increase in the number of contact form submissions.

Read the challenge, our solution, and the result below

Challenge Icon


LA Beauty Skin Center approached us looking to rank higher in keywords and gain more leads from their site. They signed up for SEO and have been pleased with the results so far.

Solution Icon


We have written and implemented optimized copy and meta data, built quality links, and fixed the newsletter signup in the footer of the site. In the future we plan to focus on conversion optimization tasks such as updating the homepage, adding a blog, and creating a testimonials page.

Result Icon


In just three months of working with us, this beauty center saw a 90.91% increase in the number of contact forms submitted. They also had a 22.61% increase in organic sessions. We look forward to improving these numbers even further in the coming months.

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