M2H Tile Boutique

Client: M2H Tile Boutique

URL: www.makertohome.com

Website Focus: Ecommerce

Website Platform: Magento

Services Provided: SEO

Business Type: Business to Business, Business to Consumer

Client Industry: Home & Garden

Case Summary: This unique tile manfacturer wanted to bring an elevated shopping experience to the tile industry. In just one month, we have seen a 566% increase in overall revenue.

Read the challenge, our solution, and the result below

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M2H tile boutique came to us looking to improve their website’s content, increase the conversion rate, improve on user experience, and to develop brand awareness. They were looking for increased sales and revenue after making these changes.

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Some of the work we have completed so far for this custom tile manufacturer includes writing optimized copy to establish a brand tone, removing duplicate content, and optimizing images. We also fixed an issue with their shopping cart, made their menu static, and updated their robots.txt file.

Result Icon


In comparison to the previous month, organic sessions have increased 48.72% and organic new users have also seen improvement, increasing 78.12%. Overall revenue has increased by 566.13% in this same time period.

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