NS Corporation

Client: NS Corporation

URL: nswash.com

Website Focus: Ecommerce, Lead Generation

Website Platform: Magento, WordPress

Services Provided: SEO, Web Design, Web Development

Business Type: Business to Business

Client Industry: Autos & Vehicles, Business & Industrial

Case Summary: This vehicle washing system manufacturer has been washing cars since the 1950s. Their systems are efficient and cost effective for their customers. They came to Coalition looking for more traffic, better rankings, and ultimately more customers. After only a month with us, new users made up 70.67% of the traffic and the contact form conversion rate increased 453.82%.

Read the challenge, our solution, and the result below

Challenge Icon


This car wash manufacturer has spent decades optimizing their service parts to make the most efficient and cost effective product. That’s why they turned to Coalition. Our SEO team is extremely effective in achieving results.

Solution Icon


NS Wash chose Magento over other ecommerce platforms based on the complexity of their catalog, the ability to seamlessly integrate it with their WordPress CMS, and the ability to publish multiple stores from a common admin experience. Our copy team worked hard to write content rich copy for the homepage and many other landing pages, as well as incorporated a blog with video capabilities. Our developers made sure the site ran as efficiently as possible, writing alt tags, disavowing spam links, and improving site speed.

Result Icon


After only one month of using our SEO services, NS Corporation increased their organic conversion rate on their contact form 453.82%. New users made up 70.67% of the site’s traffic and the average session length increased by 6.99%. We look forward to continuing to help expand this car wash manufacturer.

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