Paolo Torrini

Client: Paolo Torrini

Website Focus: Lead Generation

Website Platform: WordPress

Services Provided: SEO, Web Design, Web Development

Business Type: Business to Consumer

Client Industry: Jobs & Education, People & Society

Case Summary: Paolo was looking to provide life coaching to those who had lost their way. This Florence, Italy based business wants to help people set and achieve their goals, move past difficult life events, and be fulfilled in life. He came to us to build a website and receive SEO services. Over the course of three months, we increased users by 320.68%.

Read the challenge, our solution, and the result below

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Paolo was just starting his life coaching business and he knew he needed an online presence. Looking to help others achieve their goals, he turned to us to make his dream into reality. See how we designed and built a website then completed SEO services to achieve outstanding results.

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Our expert (and diverse) lead generation design and development team first built a WordPress site in Italian that could be translated into multiple languages. Our SEO team further increased the value of this beautiful site by building links, writing copy, and integrating across social media.

Result Icon


By the first month, 60% of all contact form submissions came from organic traffic. By the second month, organic traffic accounted for 62.5% of users and first time visitors accounted for 95.59% of all organic traffic. Through our SEO work, we increased Paolo’s site traffic 320.68%.

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