
Client: Pompeii3

URL: www.pompeii3.com

Website Focus: Ecommerce

Website Platform: BigCommerce

Services Provided: SEO

Business Type: Business to Consumer

Client Industry: Jewelry, Shopping

Case Summary: Pompeii3 has been in the diamond jewelry industry for more than 50 years. Within a year, we grew their revenue by 172%.

Read the challenge, our solution, and the result below

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This diamond jeweler wanted to increase site users and drive conversions, so they signed up for our SEO and email marketing services.

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Some of the tasks we have completed include fixing server errors, implementing breadcrumbs, promoting available financing options, and fixing inconsistencies on the About Us page. We also ran an email marketing campaign for them a few months into our SEO services.

Result Icon


Compared to last year, we increased organic traffic 84% from 98k to 181k sessions and new organic users increased 116% from only 47k to 101k. Organic revenue increased 40% ($1,394,502.59 vs $994,442.87) and organic transactions improved by 64%.

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