SEV Laser

Client: SEV Laser


Website Focus: Lead Generation

Website Platform: WordPress

Services Provided: PPC, SEO

Business Type: Business to Consumer

Client Industry: Health & Beauty

Case Summary: This LA-based medical spa offers laser hair removal, skin tightening, botox, and other top of the line services. Working with us, SEV Laser has seen their month to month traffic increase by 40% and form submissions grow by 300%.

Read the challenge, our solution, and the result below

Challenge Icon


SEV Laser had expanded their business to 9 locations and needed help bringing in more leads through their website, so they contacted us to drive more traffic to their site and increase their revenue.

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To help SEV Laser meet their goals, we have implemented redirects, created an HTML sitemap and placed it on the site, and updated the headers on the locations pages. We have also written optimized copy and begun link building efforts.

Result Icon


Organic form submissions experienced a big improvement month over month, increasing 300%, from 31 forms to 124 forms submitted. Overall traffic to the site has grown by 40% when compared to the previous month, increasing from 32k to 45k total sessions this month. Overall new users also experienced growth, increasing 41%.

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