Yard Sale Radar

Client: Yard Sale Radar

URL: yardsaleradar.com

Website Focus: Lead Generation

Website Platform: WordPress

Services Provided: PPC, SEO

Business Type: Business to Consumer

Client Industry: Hobbies & Leisure

Case Summary: Yard Sale Radar is a website allowing users to find and post yard and estate sales in their neighborhood. Founder Anthony Lee is a longtime yard sale enthusiast who wanted to help his fellow buyers and sellers locate and post sales in their area.

Read the challenge, our solution, and the result below

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While there are other yard sale listing sites, Anthony found these to be cluttered and difficult to use. He wanted to build a streamlined, app-like website that made posting and advertising yard sales easy and clear. While Anthony had worked as a successful electrician for many years, he was new to operating a website and doing business in the digital space. CT’s challenge was to launch the website and draw in new customers through SEO and PPC marketing.

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Coalition built a simple yet effective website, which allowed users to view and post yard sales in only a few easy steps. We considered search visibility from the start, and wrote optimized copy to draw in new users. We began collecting user emails for email marketing through an online newsletter. Finally, we launched Google and Facebook ad campaigns to get the word out about the new site.

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In comparison to last year, the site is receiving 890% more organic sessions, from 167 organic sessions in the previous year to 1,653 sessions this year. There has also been a 1,100% increase in organic new users, for a total of 1,488 this month. Overall, there was a 23% increase in goal completions for a total of 1,379.

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