
Client: Heally

URL: getheally.com

Website Focus: Ecommerce, Lead Generation

Website Platform: WordPress

Services Provided: SEO

Business Type: Business to Consumer

Client Industry: Health & Beauty

Case Summary: This telehealth service provides patients with fast and easy access to doctors who focus on treating problems holistically. After a year with us, Heally’s organic sessions were up 880% with organic goal completions up by 6,906%.

Read the challenge, our solution, and the result below

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Heally came to us looking for more exposure and visibility as an online presence. They wanted to see the growth of traffic as well as the growth in sales of their CBD products. Over the course of the campaign, the demand for telehealth has grown dramatically and we have shifted our focus to include not only CBD products but also their telehealth software and their ability to connect patients with doctors specializing in pain management through CBD and cannabis.

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In order to help them achieve their goals, we have written optimized copy targeting relevant keywords for each of the states in which they offer services, fixed 404 errors, and optimized the footer. We have also gotten very creative with structured data, in some cases re-optimizing pages so that we can include strategic schema markup. We have worked to increase internal linking, since many of the states for which Heally offers telehealth connections for doctors to prescribe patients medical cannabis cards are also featured in blog articles on the Heally site.

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After a year with us, organic sessions have grown by 880% from 6k sessions to 56k sessions. Organic goal completions are up by 6,906% with the goal conversion rate up by 615%. In that same time period, all traffic has increased by 355% from 29k sessions to 130k sessions. All goal completions are up by 1,339% with a total of 5,570 goal completions.

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