Electro Rent

Client: Electro Rent

URL: www.electrorent.com

Website Focus: Lead Generation

Website Platform: Custom Website

Services Provided: SEO, Web Development

Business Type: Business to Business

Client Industry: Business & Industrial

Case Summary: How does a large electronic test equipment rental company generate more traffic and leads through their site? With a team like Coalition’s strong SEO strategies in place.

Read the challenge, our solution, and the result below

Challenge Icon


An electronic test equipment company originally came to Coalition for web development work on their site. They were so happy with the work they returned a year later to begin an SEO campaign with us. Their goals included increasing leads through the site and driving organic traffic.

Solution Icon


Coalition has updated the canonical URLS on the site to fix any duplicate content, implemented a site wide redirect to HTTPS, inserted microformats on the site, created optimized category page copy and metadata, and fixed the site’s redirect issues. As a result of the increasing optimized copy being published to the site, the client is seeing greater site traffic.

Result Icon


In a period of four months, organic traffic increased by 20.29%, from 7,240 organic sessions in October 2016 to 8,709 organic sessions in February 2017, new organic users grew by 10.66%, from 6,145 in October 2016 to 6,800 in February 2017, and organic request quote submissions have increased by 42.31%, rising from 26 in October 2016 to 37 in February 2017.

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