Ramos Law Group, PLLC

Client: Ramos Law Group, PLLC

URL: www.ramosfamilylaw.com

Website Focus: Lead Generation

Website Platform: WordPress

Services Provided: PPC, SEO, Web Design, Web Development

Business Type: Business to Consumer

Client Industry: Law & Government

Case Summary: This family law firm focuses on offering counsel and services to achieve positive outcomes in difficult situations. They turned to Coalition to build them a website that would display their credentials and experience, as well as complete SEO and PPC work to bring in more clients. After only two months of SEO and PPC, organic search made up 65.08% of all traffic.

Read the challenge, our solution, and the result below

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Ramos Law Group came to Coalition for our full package service. They needed a new website that would build trust and respect for their professional experiences, as well as offer compassion and understanding in difficult times. They also wanted to increase the number of leads through our expert SEO and PPC services.

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Coalition first began work on their website, launching a design that inspires confidence and professionalism for this Texas law firm. Immediately after launching, we began work optimizing their site by building links, bringing in guest posts, and adding content. We also researched and developed an Adwords campaign sure to bring in more leads.

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After only two months after beginning the SEO and PPC campaigns, this family law firm’s site generated a total of 47 contact form submissions, of which 26 submissions were from organic users, accounting for 55.32% of all contact form submissions. Organic search outperformed all traffic channels, accounting for 65.08% of all sessions, and new users accounted for 83.00% of sessions.

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